Sven Wombwell
Article by: Sven Wombwell
Estimated 7 minutes read
Quick summary
Peptides for muscle growth are essential. These molecules are found in every cell and tissue of the human body. They play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and achieving balance, known as homeostasis. Ensuring the proper peptide levels is vital for the body to function optimally and stay healthy. Peptides are short chains of amino acids found in the body, foods and supplements. They may increase muscle growth by activating the hormones necessary for muscle gain and assist in fat loss. They absorb quickly and may have fewer side effects than many muscle growth supplements.

When performing at optimal levels, many guys, athletes and bodybuilders seek help from performance-enhancing drugs that can alter body composition and promote muscle growth. Over the years, peptides have emerged as an allegedly safe and effective natural steroid alternative with a host of other positive benefits. But do peptides for overall health and muscle growth make a difference? 

What Are Peptides?

A peptide is a short string of 2 to 50 amino acids that act as the building blocks for the organs, tissues and the systems that play a role in the physiological processes vital in making the body work. (1)

Several types of peptides are naturally found in the body, each having a specific role that includes:

  • Anti-aging
  • Skin elasticity 
  • Muscle building

Peptides are present in various foods such as meat, legumes, beans, fish and shellfish, wheat, oats and flax seeds. They are also in various skin care products and supplements. Synthetic peptides can be isolated or made by combining amino acids. (2)

The Role of Peptides in the Body

Because the structure of peptides can mirror specific hormones in the body and have the ability to penetrate the tissue and interact with specific receptors internally, they can influence various bodily processes. (3

Some health benefits may include: 

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Preventing blood clots
  • Protecting cells
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Reducing cholesterol

Bodybuilders use peptides because specific peptides can release the hormones for building muscle, performance, recovery and fat loss. (4)

How do Peptides Work in the Body to Build Muscle

Many guys want to change their body composition as efficiently and quickly as possible. So, they may look for supplements and medications to help boost results and reach those goals.

According to research, peptides called growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) may help. (5)

Growth hormone secretagogues (GHS) are peptides that can stimulate the production of human growth hormone (HGH), a hormone produced naturally by the pituitary gland. HGH helps regenerate cells and cell reproduction, build and maintain healthy tissue and muscle, burn fat, and boost metabolism.

It works by stimulating the release of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which triggers muscle protein and muscle growth and may help break down body fat. (6) HGH naturally decreases as we age, making it more challenging to maintain and build muscle. 

In one study, (7) 97 middle-aged men took collagen peptides and engaged in a weight training program over a twelve-week period. At the end of the study, they experienced significant muscle growth and fat loss compared to the subjects that received neither collagen nor training.

Some people see GHS as a safer alternative with few side effects to HGH in building muscle. This peptide has become popular amongst bodybuilders, especially those trying to change their body composition due to hypogonadism. (8)

According to research, GHS can increase the release of HGH and IGF-1, but it is unclear whether it can change performance, body composition, or recovery. (9)

Best Peptides For Muscle Growth

A few peptides can be very beneficial for building muscle; they include growth hormone secretagogues (GHS), creatine peptides and collagen peptides. Available in supplement, powder form and pills, GHSs are also injectable.

Growth hormone secretagogues

As a muscle-building peptide, growth hormone secretagogues may increase lean body mass, reduce fat, enhance muscle mass and increase exercise tolerance. (10)

Creatine peptides

According to research, (11) creatine is an amino acid in the muscles that may enhance exercise, boost energy, maximize muscle mass and improve body composition. Creatine is a popular supplement for people looking to build muscle and increase strength.

Collagen peptides

Collagen peptides are small, digestible forms of collagen that occur naturally in the body. It is essential in skin elasticity, bone health, strong joints, connective tissue, and protecting organs and other bodily functions. As we age, we lose collagen, so supplementing it makes sense. One study (12) showed that adding collagen supplements increased muscle mass and strength in healthy young men more than resistance training alone.

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2)

Several peptides are common for muscle-building purposes. One of the most popular peptides is Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-2 (GHRP-2). GHRP-2 stimulates growth hormone release, which can help increase muscle mass and improve recovery after intense workouts. 

TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4)

TB-500 (Thymosin Beta-4) is a peptide that aids muscle recovery and healing by promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. While TB500 can possibly enhance athletic performance, associated risks exist. As with any new therapy, there needs to be long-term data on the safety of TB500. Additionally, the FDA has not approved these peptides, so their safety and effectiveness are unknown.

BPC-157 (Body Protective Compound-157)

Currently, BPC 157 is an experimental drug that the FDA does not approve due to limited human studies. There is also a lack of evidence showing short and long-term side effects, drug interactions, and other factors. So this peptide is one to avoid.

However, BPC-157 shows the potential to have healing properties and to repair muscle tissue. People often use it to accelerate recovery from injuries or overexertion. It is important to note that you should not use peptides for muscle-building unless under the watchful eye of a medical professional. Also, follow local regulations and guidelines.

Regarding the legality, the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned BPC 157 as of January 1, 2022. So, if you are a professional athlete, avoid this one.

MK-677 (not a true peptide)

Mk-677 promotes appetite, increases bone density, and improves sleep quality. It is typically an oral medication that does not require injections like other peptides. 

Note that MK-677 is prohibited under the World Anti-Doping Code and the World Anti-Doping Agency. This means athletes who use, possess, or supply ibutamoren violate anti-doping rules, which could result in lengthy sanctions.

Possible Side Effects of Using Peptides to Build Muscle

Grouping all peptides is difficult because there are over 7000 different types within the body. While synthetic and supplemental peptides have shown promising muscle-building and fat-loss results, they don't come without side effects. (13)

  • Cardiovascular. Peptides may affect the heart due to high blood pressure, hypertension and palpitations.
  • Allergies. Having an allergy can cause swelling, hives and breathing difficulty.
  • Digestive. Peptides may cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting in some people.

Studies show that some peptides are generally safe, but we need more research to examine long-term effects. 

Conclusion: Peptides For Muscle Growth: Do They Work?

While research shows peptides may offer promising results for muscle building, fat burning, metabolism, body composition and maintaining healthy tissue, evidence is inconclusive. So, if you plan on using peptides for bodybuilding or other health benefits, consulting a professional before taking any supplements may be a good idea.

Finally, It is important to note that using peptides like those mentioned above may carry risks and potential side effects. Regulatory agencies like the FDA do not approve these peptides for muscle-building purposes, and their safety and effectiveness are not fully established. Furthermore, some of these peptides may be banned in sports due to their performance-enhancing properties.

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