Maria Pease
Article by: Maria Pease
Estimated 6 minutes read
Quick summary
Food noise is the inability to control thoughts of food. Although food noise isn't a medical term, it's become popular due to reports that medications containing semagultide can quiet food noise. If this is the case, it would be an important step towards giving people more control over food choices and the ability to lose weight.

If you've ever had an obsession with food, you may have experienced food noise. The term has become popular to describe obsessive thoughts about food that become so frequent you have trouble focusing.

It's normal to think about food when you're hungry. However, for people who are inundated with food cravings and always planning their next meal, it's distracting at best. In this article, we'll answer the question, what is food noise? 

The Impact of Food Noise on Weight and Health

Imagine what it would be like if food was always on your mind. Constant food noise can interfere with your ability to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and derail health. Changing your diet isn't easy for anyone. Still, with the constant chatter of food on your mind, it's tough to regulate your appetite and control food cravings.

As with any obsession, food noise can take control of your life and make it difficult to make good choices when it comes to food. Ultra-processed food is laden with excess salt, sugar, and preservatives, which are toxic and addictive. The endless noise and physical cravings can make it impossible to make the right food choices. You should choose whole foods that reduce inflammation over unhealthy, processed foods. Processed foods often have added sugar, which causes various diseases, high blood pressure, raised blood sugar, and weight gain. All of which negatively affect weight and overall health. (1)

How to Stop Food Noise?

If food noise is something you suffer from, there are a few tips on how to shut it off that include:

  • Stay clear of processed, packaged, and unhealthy foods.

Processed foods aren't good for your health or your waistline. Unfortunately, when you have difficulty with food noise, those are most likely the foods on your mind. They're not only toxic for our bodies and minds; they are designed to keep you hooked, making food noise even worse. (2) Avoid minimally processed foods with natural ingredients and plenty of fruit and vegetables. 

  • Get enough quality sleep.

Not getting the sleep you need can worsen cravings for unhealthy foods. Sleep is vital for recovery; without it, we can't think clearly or make good decisions. When you are tired, looking for anything to increase energy and grab unhealthy snacks is easy. Extreme tiredness often leads to eating foods high in sugar and carbs, leading to weight gain and stress. (3)(4)

How Medications With Semaglutide Quiet Food Noise

As food noise has become a popular topic of discussion, a surprising side note has emerged. It seems diabetes medications like semaglutide can quiet the noise, help reduce appetite, and encourage weight loss (5).

The new drugs with FDA approval for diabetes and weight loss contain semaglutide. This type of drug acts on the gut-brain hormone axis, a system that regulates appetite and feelings of fullness. This axis communicates with our brain to signal satiety, reducing hunger and resulting in decreased food intake. It is now thought that they also shut down food noise, making it easier to lose weight. It works in a few ways that include: (6)(7)

  • Slowing the process of food moving out of the stomach 
  • Increasing the feeling of fullness and satisfaction
  • Effects dopamine in the brain, making food less rewarding

Why Some Food Noise is Important

While overwhelming chatter in your brain about food is disruptive and can change your relationship with food, we do need to think about hunger and the foods we eat. Your body has various systems that communicate with each other, and the gut-brain connection is one of them. (8)

The system enables the body to identify when you're hungry, releasing hormones to signal when you need food and curbing hunger after eating. It's like an on-and-on-off switch, which is necessary for getting the nutrients you need to function and allows your body to know when you're full.

Food noise can affect the food choices people make. So, while semaglutide-containing drugs aren't technically weight loss drugs, they can control obsessive thoughts. This control allows people to make better choices about the foods they eat. 

Why Obsessive Thoughts About Food Get Louder

Since food noise can interfere with the gut-brain connection, it may be partly responsible for weight-related health issues such as obesity and the problems surrounding it. Various factors can affect communication between the brain, including: (9)


Although chronic stress damages health, even short-term stress can affect hunger and food choices, with high-carb and salty stuff being the foods of choice for many people.

Not getting quality sleep

As discussed, not getting enough sleep can contribute to weight gain and a high body mass index (BMI). Lack of sleep affects hormones and hunger control, making you more likely to choose processed foods over healthy ones and eating more than needed to satisfy hunger.

Health conditions

Specific health issues interfere with the ability to lose weight. They can include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), metabolic syndrome, and thyroid disorders.


In some cases, genetics may play a role in being overweight. Despite this, some behaviors can reduce weight, such as a whole food diet, exercise, quality sleep, stress reduction, and an overall healthy lifestyle.


Some medications can contribute to weight gain and excessive hunger by disrupting the gut-brain connection and the ability to control weight. 

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone (Low T) and weight gain are connected. Also, low T is common in overweight men, increasing visceral fat and raising estrogen levels. All of which makes losing weight even harder. Testosterone replacement therapy can be effective in aiding weight loss, in particular, visceral fat.


Food noise refers to obsessive and constant thoughts about food that interfere with everyday life. While it may not sound serious, it's a real problem and can affect what and when people choose to eat. Some food noise is necessary for the body to signal when it needs food, but for some people, it can take over their lives.

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