Sven Wombwell
Article by: Sven Wombwell
Estimated 11 minutes read

You've likely heard the hype surrounding bone broth. People everywhere seem to be adding it to their diets, but what is bone broth, and does it have any health benefits for men?

Studies suggest that bone broth may help reduce inflammation, build muscle, reduce pain, and support joint health. If you are curious about the benefits of bone broth for men, read on to learn more about this trending supplement.

clear Chicken broth with pieces of rooster meat on bone and vegetables in a metal casserole on dark wooden table

What is Bone Broth?

If you've ever had a Japanese ramen dish or a bowl of chicken soup, you have likely already experienced bone broth. Bone broth is a clear liquid you can make by simmering bones and other connective tissues from an animal in water. Despite its name, bone broth is a stock. The difference between a broth and a stock depends on how long the animal bones are cooked. 

Broths are typically lighter. When cooked, some of the meat is usually still on the bones. Both stocks and broths also contain vegetables, herbs, and spices. However, the collagen is what sets a stock apart from a broth.

Stocks simmer for many hours. They have a richer flavor and higher collagen content. Vegetables do not contain collagen, so true stocks are meat-based. Bone broths cook longer, are thicker, and packed with more collagen. Most bone broths in the U.S. contain chicken, beef, or pork bones, but many countries use other types of meat, such as lamb.

The confusion between the terms comes from grocery store labels, which typically use the two interchangeably. In cooking, you can use both of them in many of the same ways. However, in recent years, bone broth has become popular for its alleged health benefits.

The History of Bone Broth

Scientists believe that bone broth may have existed since the Stone Age. Archaeologists analyzed Neanderthal teeth and found evidence of damage that occurs when boiling or baking rather than eaten raw. Additionally, pottery from 20,000 years ago found in a Chinese cave shows evidence that early humans placed dishes onto fires to cook. 

These two pieces of evidence and other things like the need to boil bones and connective tissues to release the fat and bone marrow, it is likely that early man was making basic bone broths long ago. They made this bone broth by placing animal skin or bones into a pot with water. Then, they would drop hot rocks into the liquid to heat the liquid.

Bone Broth Around the World

Bone broth has long been a staple in many cuisines and has been used medicinally throughout recorded history. Asian countries use bone broth in many of their everyday recipes. Chinese traditional medicine practices purport that bone broth has healing properties, claiming it boosts energy and supports digestive health.

In India, yakhni, a bone broth made from mutton and aromatic spices, is often a base for many dishes. People believe the mixture of spices and bone broth helps strengthen joints and bones and improve flexibility. Some people drink it to relieve chronic joint pain. 

From the harsh climates of Scandinavia to the deserts of the Middle East, people worldwide use bone broth for warm, comforting food dishes. These dishes are meant to nourish bodies and bring families together.

In recent years, the Paleolithic diet has become popular. This weight management diet started in the 1970s and became even more popular in the early 2000s. Most of the cookbooks and proponents of this diet build recipes with the idea of rejecting modern-day, processed foods and reverting to a diet similar to that of early man.

The Paleo diet has become a therapeutic diet. Some doctors recommend it for people with certain types of chronic diseases, such as leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease. In the early 2010s, as the Paleo diet gained traction, people claimed bone broth offered anti-aging and other health benefits.

If you are looking for a way to boost your immune system, relieve chronic pain, or achieve weight loss, you may wonder if any scientific evidence supports these claims. 

Health Benefits of Bone Broth for Men

We need more studies on bone broth to determine the full range of its benefits and risks. However, recent findings have led experts to believe that it may have health benefits.

#1 Reduces Inflammation

For years, people have claimed that bone broth can help with digestive issues. According to a 2021 study, amino acids in bone broth reduce damage to the intestinal tract. The amino acids decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines and increase anti-inflammatory cytokines. 

Men with chronic diseases such as Irritable Bowel Disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis may be able to use bone broth as part of their diet to help relieve some of their symptoms.

#2 Reduces Pain and Supports Joint Health 

Bone broth has a large concentration of collagen. It is released when the animal's bones are boiled for a long time. Collagen makes up about 30% of the proteins in your body. It is a primary building block for your skin, muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, intestinal lining, and connective tissues.

Collagen comprises the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Your body uses collagen to form your dermis. It also replaces dead skin cells, provides a protective covering for your organs, and helps with blood clotting. As you age, your body produces less collagen. This leads to wrinkles, weakening muscles, stiffer ligaments and tendons, joint pain, gastrointestinal problems, and issues with blood flow.

A study from 2020 concluded that bone broth might be effective in reducing pain from migraine, rhinosinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, knee or ankle pain, or orthodontic pain. The antioxidants in bone broth may decrease inflammation which can lead to pain.

The hydrolyzed collagen in bone broth may also reach joint tissues and protect cartilage from degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. 

#3 Bone Broth is Nutritious

Bone broth has several nutrients that are good for your overall health. These include nine grams of protein, amino acids, collagen, magnesium, gelatin, and small amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium. A single serving of bone broth is only around 39 calories. The high protein content may make people feel fuller, preventing overeating. 

If you add vegetables and spices to your broth, you will also reap the benefits of the vitamins and minerals in those ingredients. Additionally, many vegetables and herbs provide additional anti-inflammatory properties that may help your gut health. Since bone broth is also made up mostly of water, it aids in hydration.

Bone broth that contains vegetables often rehydrates better than water alone. It contains sodium, magnesium, and potassium-key electrolytes that help regulate nerve and muscle function, balance blood acidity and pressure, and rebuild damaged tissues. The additional collagen may also help you build muscle through your workout routine. 

How Do People Use Bone Broth?

You may have seen bone broth sold in supermarkets or health food stores in a sippable or pourable carton. Many people drink bone broth for the proposed health benefits.

Others use the clear, protein-rich liquid to make soups, boil legumes or rice, create stews, cook vegetables, or make gravies and sauces. Bone broth is a basic ingredient in many traditional meals and can be added in place of regular stocks and broths, which makes it an easy supplement to add to your diet. 

Passing the bone broth through a sieve

Can You Make Bone Broth At Home?

Many grocery store versions of bone broth may not be as nutritious as homemade varieties. Bone broth is easy to make at home with a slow cooker or a large pot. Also, at home, you can control the type of ingredients you add to your bone broth, making sure to get the most nourishing benefits from this supplement. 

There are many bone broth recipes available on the internet, but they all follow similar steps:

  1. Fill a large pot with water.
  2. Add animal bones and connective tissues.
  3. Optional: Add vegetables, herbs, and spices to taste. (Some people add a splash of apple cider vinegar to help release the nutrients within the bone marrow and help break down the other tissues as they simmer.)
  4. Boil the water.
  5. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for several hours (typically 12-24 for the best results. The longer you cook, the more flavor and nutrients will be in the stock)
  6. Strain and discard the bones and vegetable scraps. 
  7. Enjoy!

Using a slow cooker, you can set your bone broth to cook without worrying about it. Try to choose the best ingredients for your bone broth to ensure the full benefits. Grass-fed beef and free-range chicken bones are great options for a healthy, nutritious bone broth. Most people make chicken bone broth or beef bone broth at home.

What Are The Cons of Bone Broth for Men?

Although there is some evidence that adding bone broth to your diet may have some benefits, there are some risks to consider. 

#1 Bone Broth May Contain Heavy Metals

Some studies have discussed that bone broths may contain large amounts of heavy metals such as lead. According to these studies, broths made from meat alone and especially those made from skin and cartilage were found to have high lead concentrations.

High concentrations of lead can lead to high blood pressure and issues with the brain, kidneys, and reproductive organs. Too much lead can cause sleep issues, headaches, irritability, low sex drive, and stomach cramps. 

Other studies concluded that heavy metals in homemade bone broths were not above the daily recommended levels. Levels of heavy metals such as cadmium and magnesium differed based on animal species and type of bone used in the bone broth. So, small amounts of bone broth added as a supplement to your diet are fine, but large amounts may come with risks. 

#2 Bacterial Contamination

If you choose to make your own bone broth, you must prepare and store it properly to prevent bacterial contamination. When handling raw meat and bones, be sure to wash your work area and hands thoroughly after preparation.

Also, store your bone broth properly to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Once the bone broth is prepared, let it cool to room temperature. Then, place it in a clean, airtight container, such as a glass jar or freezer bag, and transfer the broth to the refrigerator or freezer. 

Homemade bone broth keeps for about five days in the refrigerator. It can be stored in the freezer for about twelve months. 

#3 Bone Broth May Not Be Right For Everyone

If you have kidney issues, the additional proteins, potassium, and other minerals may stress your kidneys. Too much bone broth may increase Chronic Kidney Disease symptoms. It is important to track your protein, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium intake to avoid overdoing it. 

People who are allergic to seafood, certain vegetables, or herbs should also check labels on commercially produced bone broths to avoid allergic reactions. Since bone broth is made from animal bones, it does not fit in with a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. 

It is important to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements to your diet. If you want to use bone broth as part of a weight loss program, consult a registered dietician or nutritionist to ensure proper nutrition with your new diet.

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Bone broth offers several health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and pain. It is a nutritious stock that can enhance your daily diet, but it is important to consider the risks of adding too much bone broth to your diet.

If you are looking for an easy way to support your joint and muscle health, bone broth can provide you with additional collagen, electrolytes, and anti-inflammatory properties.


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