Can testosterone help erectile dysfunction? By optimizing testosterone using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), you can improve your cardiovascular health and increase your Nitric Oxide production. Both are essential for achieving and maintaining erections!
Erections are clearly testosterone dependent, with more than one in five ED sufferers also having low testosterone. Yet, many men hopelessly throw money down the drain on ED medication, unaware that the real issue is low testosterone. Men with low testosterone have higher rates of erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease than men with normal testosterone levels. If you look at the leading causes of ED, the list bears a remarkable similarity to the risks associated with Low T.
- Heart disease
- Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Obesity (especially visceral fat)
- Metabolic syndrome â a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist, and high cholesterol
With the power of advertising and the increasing popularity of Viagra®, Cialis®, and other ED treatments, everyone is too familiar with the 'little blue pill,' However, pills are not always the best option.
Pfizer hit the jackpot with the discovery and then the launch of Viagra® in the late 1990s, changing the lives of millions of men around the world. There was no other oral medication for the effective relief of ED on the market; however, before this, prescribing testosterone for ED was commonplace. As a treatment for ED. TRT is completely logical, considering the role testosterone plays in a man's ability to achieve an erection while also increasing libido and energy levels.
What are Normal Testosterone Levels?
Defining a 'normal' hormone level is very difficult, and many practitioners rely solely on blood tests and almost disregard symptomatology. To discover a person's normal testosterone level, one must consider a patient's symptoms and blood results. When starting on a hormone therapy course, it is crucial to monitor how a person reacts and benefits as an indicator of healthy and what is 'normal' for that individual.
Tiredness, loss of concentration, excess visceral fat, poor cardiovascular health, and low libido can all be symptoms of a need to optimize testosterone levels to the degree that makes the patient feel at their best. By optimizing testosterone levels, you will be easing the symptoms of reduced testosterone, improving erectile function.
Low testosterone is usually anything below 300 ng/dL. We are all biologically diverse, so we all react differently. Someone with a 'normal' reading of 600 ng/dL may have low libido and erectile function problems. In contrast, another man may be in the 'low' range and function perfectly well. So defining what is 'normal' is not as straightforward as traditional methods would have you believe. You cannot determine what is 'normal' without looking at the patient individually.
Can Low Testosterone Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
When asking can testosterone can help erectile dysfunction? it is essential to understand that low testosterone is not usually the sole cause. By far, the most common cause of ED is an issue with blood flow to the penis. This is usually due to high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, or other cardiovascular problems. Causes can also include injury, disease, or external factors such as relationship issues, mental health, and anxiety.
Erections rely on testosterone in many ways; however, this link is complex and not fully understood. Guys with low testosterone often suffer from other conditions that can impact erectile function, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Without any testosterone, guys will find it almost impossible to gain an erection.
One of the most critical processes in the body to gain an erection is NOS (Nitric Oxide) production. NOS is a vasodilator, a chemical that helps relax the veins allowing blood to flow into the penis. Importantly if you have low testosterone levels, your body won't produce sufficient NOS, so getting an erection becomes difficult.
What are Low Testosterone and Optimal Testosterone?
Optimal testosterone is difficult to categorize as every man has a different biological response to any drop-in T levels. Standard 'normal' testosterone levels range from 300-800 ng/dl, but some guys comfortably sit in the 1000 ng/dl range, and others in the 300 quite happily. It is the symptoms that a patient experiences that help determine their optimal level of testosterone.
Using testosterone as a treatment for ED is not new, but it does make a lot of sense. By adjusting your testosterone to your optimal levels, you may never need to take oral ED medication. You will also enjoy the other benefits that TRT has to offer. More energy, increased lean muscle, less fat, sharper mind, and increased libido and sexual function are some significant improvements you can expect.
ED Medication Won't Work Well Without Testosterone
Interestingly ED drugs such as Sildenafil (Generic Viagra®) and Tadalafil (Generic Cialis®) also are dependent on NOS (Nitric Oxide). Remember, as discussed earlier, if you are low on testosterone, your body will not produce enough NOS to stimulate an erection. So if you have insufficient NOS in your system, then ED drugs will not usually work. The solution is to raise your testosterone levels to be 'normal' or optimal so NOS production starts again, enabling the body to achieve erections. So when asking, 'can testosterone help erectile dysfunction?' in many cases, the answer is yes.
In cases where the patient has other health issues, merely restoring testosterone levels is not always enough. The great news is that it is possible to use TRT and ED medication in tandem. With increased NOS, ED medication is far more likely to work. So, when asking, "Can testosterone help erectile dysfunction?" the answer is definitely yes, particularly if you use ED meds as well.
It can be confusing to know which erectile dysfunction treatment is best for them, it all depends on the cause. Could it be a hormone issue or some other underlying health issue? To offer the best standard of care possible, we developed our online assessment to help you decide. Our free online assessment has a set of questions that looks at your lifestyle and health to determine which is best for you.
If you would like to find out whether your testosterone levels could be causing erectile dysfunction, try our free online assessment today!
Can Testosterone Increase Penis Size?
In developing adolescent boys, testosterone plays a huge role in genital development. Testosterone kickstarts puberty and is responsible for male attributes such as facial and bodily hair and a deeper voice. Testosterone also promotes bone growth, sex drive, and sperm production, along with penile growth.
Children with hormone issues such as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism or late-onset puberty do benefit from TRT. In these cases, it can help enlarge the penis. However, research showing it can extend or fatten a fully-grown penis is inconclusive.
Around 25% of men experience testicular shrinkage while undertaking TRT because your body ceases natural testosterone production. Many men experience no testicular shrinkage at all. Interestingly though, some men do experience up to a 12% growth in penis size. This increase could be because of testosterone's benefits in terms of cardiovascular health and improving blood flow to the penis.
So Can Testosterone Help Erectile Dysfunction?
Can testosterone help erectile dysfunction? Absolutely yes! The ultimate goal of Male Excel Testosterone therapy is to improve your overall well-being. As part of this treatment, many experience a reduction in body fat (visceral fat), increased muscle mass, and, most importantly, improved cardiovascular function. These benefits combined can undoubtedly enhance your erections. Our primary focus is to help you achieve optimum testosterone levels for long-term health. However, many men experience significant erectile function improvements.
A reduction in testosterone levels can significantly impact life, including physical well-being, mental ability, and sexual health. By restoring testosterone levels and combining diet with exercise, many men experience a new lease of life, especially in the bedroom. With TRT, it is possible to regain youthful vigor and vitality and begin to feel yourself again.

Don't let ED let you down!