Sven Wombwell
Article by: Sven Wombwell
Estimated 7 minutes read
Quick summary
If you're considering TRT, you may ask, once you start testosterone therapy, can you stop? The short answer is yes, you can. But, since testosterone replacement therapy is a preventative medication that can protect against many symptoms of aging and plays a vital role in affecting mood, muscle mass, energy levels, libido and more, we would not suggest it. TRT should be considered a long-term treatment.

When dealing with symptoms of low testosterone, many men start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so they can feel like themselves again. But like any medical decision, there are things to consider, such as, once you start testosterone replacement therapy, can you stop? There is a lot to think about when deciding to stop trt, but the short answer is that you can stop, but you will lose any benefits and protection this therapy offers.

Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Help?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment used to help men with low testosterone, which naturally declines at a rate of about 1 percent per year after the age of 35. TRT is very effective for treating symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and fatigue and can benefit overall health, well-being, and quality of life.

While lifestyle factors impact testosterone levels, they may not be enough for some men. In that case, starting treatment for testosterone replacement therapy may be an option.

There is No Cure For Low Testosterone

  • Once your testosterone production slows, there is no cure. TRT should be a life-long medication that maintains testosterone levels and reduces low T symptoms.
  • TRT is almost comparable to insulin with type 2 diabetes, where insulin replaces the insulin your body no longer produces. People with diabetes need insulin to stay healthy, much like guys with low T need testosterone. If you stop, the protection is no longer there, and symptoms may return.

Seeing Results of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to seeing the results of TRT. The answer depends on the individual and the severity of their condition. Generally, most men will start to see results within a few weeks of starting testosterone replacement therapy (2). However, it may take up to a month or even up to a year for the full effects of the treatment to develop. During this time, your body will adjust to the increased levels of testosterone and give your body time to adjust. However, Changes in body composition can take up to a year.

If it's been a while and you're still not seeing results, you may want to discuss it with your medical professional and see if your dose could be off.

Once You Start Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Can You Stop?

The short answer is yes, you can stop testosterone replacement therapy if it's not right for you. But it's important to note that quitting cold turkey isn't a good idea. It's best to work with your medical professional to allow your body to adjust with the fewest side effects.

If you stop abruptly, the sudden drop in testosterone levels can cause:

  • A drop in energy
  • Loss of libido
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • anxiety

Generally, the longer you've been on TRT, the longer it can take for your body to adjust. Still, testosterone levels can return to your normal level after stopping. According to a study, (3) The shorter you've been on testosterone replacement therapy, the fewer symptoms you'll experience when you stop. 

Reasons You Should NOT Stop Testosterone Therapy

If you started testosterone replacement therapy, it was most likely because you were dealing with various symptoms that interfered with your quality of life and made you feel terrible. Things like increased fat and loss of muscle mass, low libido and energy, and, simply put, you no longer felt like yourself with the energy and drive you once had.

When you stop TRT, you can expect to see the same symptoms return, and sometimes they are even worse, leaving you feeling more tired and uncomfortable. 

Like anyone taking medication to relieve unwanted symptoms, taking testosterone replenishes what your body naturally makes and does wonders for your body, mood and energy. It's a long-term approach that can protect you from various age-related issues and make you feel fantastic.

Reasons You May Need to Stop Testosterone Therapy

There are a few reasons why you may need to stop testosterone therapy. Some of the side effects may discourage you from wanting to continue, such as fertility problems and the costs involved in treatment.

After starting treatment, some men may think they can stop TRT. After all, they begin to feel good. They are experiencing the benefits and seeing real changes in how they look and feel. 

The problem is that to continue to reap the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy - you'll need to continue. If you stop, your testosterone levels will drop, and you'll feel like you did before you started TRT.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind if you are considering stopping testosterone therapy:

  • You may no longer see relief from symptoms
  • You may be at higher risk of osteoporosis
  • You may be at higher risk of Alzheimer's disease
  • You may be at risk of an increased risk of Cardiovascular disease
  • If you have type 2 diabetes, you may lose control of insulin levels once more and need to increase your medication
  • You may find it harder to gain lean muscle once more
  • You may find it harder to maintain a healthy weight
  • You may see a decrease in energy levels
  • You may see a drop in Libido
  • You may see a reduction in motivation
  • You may experience a relapse of the symptoms that led you to start TRT in the first place.
  • You may need to continue with other treatments, such as lifestyle changes or medication, to manage your low testosterone levels.

How to Stop if TRT Isn't Right For You

When you decide to stop TRT, working with your medical professional to decrease levels gradually is essential. As your testosterone levels slowly return to where they would be naturally, you may notice changes in how you feel, such as irritability, low libido and lower energy levels. 

Transitioning from TRT can be difficult due to the reoccurrence of the symptoms you'll experience, that most likely had you seeking TRT in the first place. That's why taking the time to adjust slowly can be beneficial.

Alternatives of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

According to a study, (5) Clomiphene citrate, known as Clomid®, can be an excellent alternative to TRT. It's an FDA-approved medication that increases testosterone levels in men without compromising fertility. 

It works by making the body think its sex hormones are lower than they are, which triggers the pituitary gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones promote the testes to increase testosterone levels while maintaining sperm production.

Male Excel has formulated a unique blend of clomiphene citrate and thyroid-boosting ingredients called Triclozene, which can increase your natural levels of testosterone, which, along with TRT, results in even higher levels and ensures the preservation of fertility.


Why Choose Clomid?

Since bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy slows and even stops natural testosterone, Clomid is beneficial for men who experience the effects of low testosterone levels but are still interested in preserving fertility and sperm count but want to feel better.

Conclusion Once You Start Testosterone Therapy, Can You Stop?

There are a variety of reasons you may ask your medical professional if, once you start testosterone therapy can you stop. It could be because of costs, the preservation of fertility, or other side effects associated with it. If you do decide to stop, it may be easier under the supervision of a professional to reduce sudden symptoms.

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