Viagra® will not work for everybody. Still, since the 'little blue pill' was approved in 1998 by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), millions of men have benefitted from Viagra® (Sildenafil) and other Erectile Dysfunction drugs such as Cialis® and Levitra®. It can be really frustrating when Viagra doesn't work, but there are a few things you can do to try and improve its effectiveness.
A Quick History of Viagra
The Viagra® story is pretty impressive, a one-in-a-million stroke of luck, the drug world equivalent to hitting the jackpot®. Pfizer developed Viagra® as a blood pressure medication, and it soon became evident that it had one unexpected side effect. Viagra helps men who have Erectile Dysfunction get and maintain erections. This breakthrough led to Viagra® becoming one of the fastest-selling medicinal drugs in history, proving to be a license to print money, with annual sales reaching around 2 billion dollars by 2008.
Viagra's unexpected side effect was fantastic news for millions of men worldwide who suffer from erection issues; however, for a small number, generic Viagra® is not the solution they've been praying for.
Why Isn't Viagra Working?
Generic Viagra® works for the majority of men. Unfortunately, viagra doesn't work for everybody; around 20-30% of men don't get the full benefits of the medication. However, in many cases, ED will still be treatable. The first port of call is to ensure the patient is taking the medication correctly.
If your prescribed medication doesn't have the desired effect, we need to work out what is going wrong.
11 Reasons Viagra Doesn't Work for You
1. It is best to take Generic Viagra® on an empty stomach.
Viagra doesn't work well after food, especially after a meal high in fat. A full stomach stops the drug from working to its maximum potential. It is also best taken 2-3 hours after a meal.
2. Give it a Chance
Many men wrongly assume that things will work the first time they take the meds. For many, this is true. However, give it a chance; it might take a few attempts to kick in.
3. Timing is Key
Generic Viagra® generally works quickly, so take it an hour before sexual activity. It also only lasts for, on average, 3-4 hours before the effects start to wear off. If you want a longer-lasting medication, why not consider Generic Cialis® or Generic Daily Cialis®?
4. Avoid alcohol
Unfortunately, no ED medication can cure 'Brewers Droop.' Alcohol dramatically reduces the effectiveness of Generic Viagra® by decreasing the blood flow around the body. Erections rely on good blood flow, so even one or two alcoholic drinks could rule things out for the night! Excessive alcohol directly impacts nitric oxide (NO) 'pathways' around your body. NO is a vasodilator, which helps open up the blood vessels and, therefore, is essential for an erection.
5. Increase Dosage
Generic Viagra® comes in various dosages, so if Viagra doesn't work at a low dose, increase it. Viagra and its generic version, sildenafil, are available from 20 to 100mg tablets. Usually, your doctor will start you on a low dose, which would increase until it becomes effective.
6. You Have an Underlying Health Condition
Health issues like heart disease, diabetes, nerve damage, and even low testosterone can cause ED. You may also have psychological health issues that need discussing with a health professional. Don't worry; if you get treatment for the underlying cause, you could cure your ED.
7. Stop Watching Porn
Yes, this is true! In studies, ED among 30 - 40-year-olds is on the increase, and it's partly due to porn. Watching porn creates dissociation. Simply put, your real-life partner will not ring your bell the same way anymore. Porn can cause a condition known as 'porn-induced ED.' So, if you want to get it up, give it up!
8. You Are Just a Bit Unhealthy
There is a strong possibility that your lifestyle choices will cause your ED and be the reason Viagra doesn't work. Eat well, stop smoking, and get active. A healthy lifestyle not only makes you physically more able to get an erection; it will work wonders on your state of mind, which can also be a massive part of the problem.
9. You Weren't Turned on
The fact is that for Generic Viagra® to work, you must be sexually excited; this might be a problem with your partner or other factors playing their part. On this occasion, possibly your mind was elsewhere, or you were too stressed. It's always worth trying a few times before conceding defeat.
10. Stop Smoking
Smoking and Viagra® are not an ideal combination. It constricts the blood vessels while Viagra expands them, so the medication fights a losing battle. If you smoke, it also clogs your arteries, plays havoc with your cardiovascular health, and damages almost every organ in your body, so if you want to maintain healthy erections, you may have to reconsider a few lifestyle choices.
11. Viagra® is the Wrong Choice for You
Viagra doesn't work for everybody, so if all the above hasn't worked, you still have the option of trying an alternative drug. Generic Cialis® or generic daily Cialis ® is usually the next step and, for many, the answer they seek.
If Viagra doesn't work for you, it is always worth trying Generic Cialis® or combining ED meds with long-term TRT. Hormone replacement therapy can ease many of the causes of ED, increasing your energy levels, libido and desire.

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